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Writer's pictureAdeline Olmer

I wasn't going to mention it, but then I thought, why not?

Updated: Jun 13, 2022

It’s been an accomplishment I never thought I would/could do. But as the Chinese philosopher, Lao Tzu said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” If I had thought about it as anything more than just one step at a time, I’m not certain I would have started—I’m so glad I did.

This week I am starting my fourth year of writing the blog every week, no matter what, 157 consecutive weeks of posting every Friday morning.

Actually, there was one week when I accidentally posted it Thursday morning. It caused a lot of confusion: I woke up and had no idea what day it was, and apparently, as a lot of you told me, you had the same confusion.

I actually started the blog in 2007 under the name Please make this it’s my favorite. I had no idea what I was doing. The only thing I knew was that I had a desire to communicate. I was not a writer, at least not publicly—I was terrified. Since I didn’t know what I was doing and wasn’t certain what to write about, I didn’t post consistently. Definitely not ideal for building an audience.

“I love your stories,” Jane, my friend and business coach, told me. “You should use your blog to tell your stories.” That was so obvious I don’t know why I hadn’t thought of it. “I love telling stories!” I replied and made the commitment to do it. That was in 2018. Since I made that promise to myself, I haven’t let a week go by without writing something and I’ve loved every minute of it.

Writing a blog is an interesting process. Once you hit "post," that’s it, it’s not a dialogue. In the beginning, there were times when I posted to silence. I wasn’t certain if there was anyone out there—it was odd.

As I kept writing that changed.

And that’s what I want to thank you for. All your comments, emails, and thoughts have made all the difference. So much so, that it was the impetus to believing I could write my cookbook.



This post was created prior to our site upgrade. Comments at the time of our upgrade included:

Susan Victoria July 30, 2021

Glad to hear you will keep writing, Adeline! —Susan

Arlene Vaquer July 30, 2021

We love your blog!!! Keep it going. —Arlene

Judy Taussik July 30, 2021

Keep up the good work! We all look forward to Friday mornings just to see your latest stories, thoughts and recipes !💕 —Judy

Peter S Rosen July 30, 2021

Thoughtful. Inspiring. Often magical. It would be a sad Friday without your blogs and insights. Onward


Reply: Adeline M. Olmer July 30, 2021

I love writing the blog and can’t thank all of you enough for all your support! MERCI!!! —Adeline


Bon Appétit
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