Le Kitchen Cookbook:
a workbook
Everything You Need to Know to be a Good Cook
This is not an ordinary cookbook.
Most cookbooks tell you to follow a recipe and you’ll create good food. They do not teach you how to cook; they teach you how to follow instructions.
This cookbook is a workbook that teaches you how to cook, explaining the interplay between techniques, flavors, and how to combine them into a delicious dish, or how to adjust a recipe into something that better suits your family’s tastes. It also gives you space to make notes of your successes, what worked and didn’t and there is room to write down the recipes you create. This process puts you in charge and gives you confidence.
Imagine the freedom you’ll feel when you enter the kitchen knowing you’re not a slave to a recipe. Instead, you can play with ingredients and flavors, and create something that is not only really good, c'est fantastique! That’s when cooking is really fun!
Over 100 recipes
361 pages, paperback
8" x 10" format
Room to write notes and your own recipes
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Why is the book divided by cooking methods instead of types of food?The book’s focus is to explain how to cook not what to cook. If you want to find specific types of recipes, you can find them in the index.
Why does the book cover have a spot for your name and the date?The book is intended to be customized by the owner. That’s what makes it special.
Why are some recipe sidebars full of information and others empty?They won’t be empty once you fill them with your notes.
Why does it say READ PREPARE ADJUST (RPA) at the top of every recipe?It is a reminder that you need to start by reading the recipe, then prepare all the ingredients, and finally, as you are cooking, you need to adjust the flavors.
Why are some recipes so long, especially when you say they are easy?"The steps are explained in detail so they seem long but that is only to make them easy to follow.
Why are stories included?Stories are part our lives and the memories that inspire us.
Why is there space to write your recipes?Aren’t cookbooks suppose to provide recipes rather than leave room for you to write yours? This isn’t just a cookbook; it is a workbook meant to become your recipe book where you can add your own flavors.
Can I get more information from you on your website?Yes, we have a special section available for you to get more information about recipes, tools, methods, and a place you can ask questions.
Are you planning to write other books?Yes, the next in the series will be La Dinner Party.